You are here: Inventory > Creating Inventory Records > Creating Using Inventory Maintenance > Suppliers


The function of automatic purchase orders requires both the supplier and the warehouse details to be completed for part numbers to be included in searches for outstanding stock requests.  More than one supplier can be recorded, however a default supplier and associated warehouse details must be set.

The multi warehouse functionality also requires that order details be established for each warehouse for each part number. The system defaults to the “Default Supplier” for each warehouse. A new inventory record cannot be saved without at least one supplier and warehouse detail entered if the box 'Order Enabled' is ticked.  A message appears: “Region Default Region is order enabled but does not have a default supplier.  One supplier must be nominated and a default

Where Order Enabled is un-ticked then supplier records do not need to be set


1. Supply tab
2. Supplier Details 

  Supplier - select from search window.  The supplier must exist.  More than one supplier can be entered. 
  Supplier Part No - equivalent supplier number if applicable
  Default - set to the preferred supplier.  When running automatic purchase orders to fill outstanding back orders, the preferred supplier will provide the goods
3. Supplier Warehouse Details

  Warehouse - select from search window.  Each supplier must have at least one corresponding warehouse entry.  The record cannot be saved if warehouse details are incomplete.

A message will display:
“The record was not saved.  A default supplier must be selected and a default supplier warehouse must be selected for all suppliers”
  Home Cost - the actual home cost of the item paid to the supplier.  The  Last Cost recorded here may include additional costs - freight, insurance etc.
  Foreign Cost - the home cost figure converted to a foreign currency – or vice versa where foreign currency has been enabled. Current FX rate at time of entry is used when adding the details.
  Delivery Days - number of days from ordering to delivery from that warehouse
  Order Units - minimum order quantity e.g. lots of 50.  Type in if appropriate
  Default – set to the preferred warehouse
4. Save the changes

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